Your Ultimate Guide to Casino Dealers | LeoVegas

Ultimate Guide to Casino Dealers

Casinos are an alluring and often fascinating place. Whether you are drawn to the ambiance of the casino, curious about its inner workings, or keen on pursuing a career as a dealer, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll delve into a casino dealer’s role, from mastering the art of card shuffling to learning the intricacies of game rules and ensuring a fair and entertaining betting experience. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s shuffle up and deal - it’s time to get this guide started.

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Definition and Role of a Casino Dealer

Casino dealers are bankers, educators, and game operators all in one. On any given casino floor, it’s the casino dealer’s role to facilitate a game, ensuring it runs smoothly with integrity, according to house rules. A casino dealer will exchange cash for casino chips, shuffle and deal the cards, oversee betting rounds, and pay out winnings. But beyond the mechanics of the role, casino dealers are an extension of the casino’s brand, helping to create a social and enjoyable betting experience for players of all levels.


Importance of Casino Dealers in the Gambling Industry

Never underestimate the role of a casino dealer. More than just a cog in the grand casino machine, casino dealers play a critical role. Most notably they are responsible for upholding game integrity. And no, we don’t think we’re being overzealous with the importance of a casino dealer here!

If you’re reading this, you’re likely a gambler to some degree, and are already aware that integrity and fairness are paramount in casino games. Not only from a player’s perspective, but to uphold the credibility of the gambling industry as a whole. After all, integrity is the cornerstone of any casino's reputation. A single poor experience can tarnish and jeopardize the gambling industry in its entirety. Yes, it’s a lot of pressure and responsibility, indeed!

Becoming a Casino Dealer

If the responsibility of dealers hasn’t scared you off, and you’re thinking of becoming a casino dealer, the good news is that it’s a dynamic role filled with opportunity! Joining the workforce of a casino will require a time investment, some paperwork, and a passion for cards. As one British Columbia casino job posting put it, “As a Dealer, you'll be in the heart of the casino” and arguably, ‘are’ the heart of the casino!

Let’s explore the specific requirements for becoming a casino dealer in Canada.

Educational Requirements

In Canada, becoming a casino dealer requires the following, but may not be limited to it, depending on the home province or territory of the casino you’re applying to:

  • Must be of legal gambling age within the province you seek employment.
  • High school diploma (at a minimum).
  • On-site training, usually a 4 to 6 week commitment.
  • Recent criminal check.
  • Province dependent, a security clearance and/or gambling license is required.

When you’re at the point of applying to be a casino dealer, recruiters will likely help you through many of these certifications, initiate security clearances, and provide on-site training to help get your started.

Specialized Training

With a high demand for casino dealers in Canada, you may find that higher education will help you further along in your casino career goals - especially if you’re in it for the long term. Just like any profession, those who want to rise above the crop of most dealers can take their skills to the next level with specialized training.

In Ontario, the Canadian Casino Gaming College in Mississauga boasts one of the most comprehensive casino dealer training programs in Canada. Over in Alberta, casino dealers will be required to complete specialized training in the form of ‘Deal Us In’, a casino staff training program, as well as an anti-money laundering course. Different casino operators will also feature more comprehensive courses once you’ve got your foot in the door!

Necessary Skills

Much like any position in hospitality, the front-facing role of a local casino dealer not only requires expertise in specific card skills but also customer service. Let’s get into some additional necessary skills that will help you land a job as a casino dealer.

  • Math proficiency.
  • A good communicator.
  • Professional yet approachable personality.
  • Observant.
  • Fast thinker.

Communication Skills

A Casino dealer’s attitude, guidance, patience, and overall customer service skills are paramount to an enjoyable and hopefully entertaining, gaming session. Of course, this doesn’t mean casino dealers have to put on a song and dance, but they should be well-versed in handling disputes, and possess the ability to stay calm and respectable no matter what’s thrown at them (hopefully, not literally!).

Mathematical Proficiency

No Apple Watch or calculator can help you at the table! Casino dealers must be proficient in math. Beyond the basics, at any given card, craps, or roulette table, a casino dealer will have to quickly calculate winnings and payouts, collect losing bets, and provide banking for cash to casino chip exchanges.

Different Casino Games Dealers

Blackjack Dealer

Blackjack dealers have several responsibilities, including managing the deck of cards, shuffling, and ensuring its integrity. They also oversee the flow and pace of the game, as well as handle payouts and chip-to-cash exchanges. From a player's perspective, they are the go-to for any questions, guidance, and grievances making social and customer service skills essential for a positive table experience.

Poker Dealer

A poker dealer is a bit of a different beast as players compete against each other, rather than the house. That’s one of the main reasons a poker dealer must be well-versed in the intricacies of the game so that they can detect suspicious behavior and even possible collusion. Betting structures are more intricate, varying with game variations, and dealers are required to seamlessly transition between different types of poker. The social component is also quite strong here, as poker players are often seated at specific tables for much longer stretches of game play than say baccarat.

Roulette Dealer

Also known as a croupier, a roulette dealer has distinct responsibilities compared to other casino dealers. They spin the roulette wheel and distribute chips, requiring quick math skills to calculate winnings and distribute payouts accurately on the fly. Consider your speed at an equation like this; If a player bets $5 on 32 and it hits, that’s a $175 payout, considering the 35 to 1 payoff. How quick were you?

Craps Dealer

One of the most intense casino dealing jobs there is, craps dealers usually work in small teams of four under a boxman who supervises the table. Two will deal, one will act as the stickman, and the other will be on break, as the team rotates through each position on any given shift. Given the degrees of personality and enthusiasm at a craps table, especially if the table is on a good run, a craps dealer has to be a source of excitement to keep that social game strong, but also maintain professionalism, to keep the game in check. The dealers also pay off and collect bets, depending on the outcome of the dice game throw.

Responsibilities of a Casino Dealer

Game Facilitation

Shuffling and Dealing Cards

A casino dealer holds the responsibility of managing the cards. While some casinos may have specific shuffling policies, a dealer needs to be proficient in various shuffling techniques, including the Riffle Shuffle and the Wash Shuffle, despite the prevalence of automated shufflers. Regardless of the method used, dealers must prioritize maintaining the integrity of the card deck, ensuring swift action at the table that doesn’t compromise the pace of play, and of course, a technique that reveals no cards.

Operating Table Games

The responsibilities of a casino dealer, when it comes to facilitating table games, are two-fold. On one hand, they must flawlessly execute the game’s mechanics – from shuffling and dealing cards to maintaining the pace of play and managing betting rounds. Yet, they are also crafters of the social experience. This starts as soon as a player is greeted at a casino table by the dealer.

A skilled casino dealer is also often incredibly observant and gets a read on players, adjusting the game’s tempo accordingly, recognizing that while some may enjoy a fast-paced focused game, others enjoy the social aspect. And if all that isn’t enough, as frontline representatives of the casino and its brand, they also handle inquiries and resolve disputes.

Customer Interaction

A casino dealer is about much more than dealing cards or spinning wheels. Casino dealers are brand ambassadors who help create a casino’s ambiance, shaping a player’s entire betting experience! Their mannerisms, attitude, appearance, and customer service can shape a mundane game into a memorable time.

If you’re thinking of going down the path of becoming a casino dealer, keep these hospitality notions in mind.

Maintaining Professionalism

In a casino, you’re going to come across many personalities. And some will even shift based on hot or cold runs at the table. Some players are out for a social evening and entertainment fix, while others are in it for the win - and they mean business! With such variable and possibly intense personalities on the casino floor, a casino dealer is also expected to face disputes and unruly players with professionalism. This means putting those patience skills to the test and maintaining composure at all costs.

Much like any hospitality position, to garner the respect of your customers, in this case, players, maintaining a neat and professional appearance is also key.

Handling Customer Queries

No need to go straight to the negative and speak of disputes here! Many inquiries come a casino dealer’s way, and they all must be handled with respect and composure. From new players looking to be taught a new game, check in with the dealer for guidance or tips, and for those who may be curious about the process - it’s all part of the job.

Casino Dealer Career Progression

Becoming a casino dealer is full of opportunities. In Canada, there are close to 100 brick-and-mortar casinos offering employment options with competitive benefits and pay. Beyond Canada’s borders, casino dealing is a sought-after position on cruise ships, which can take you traveling all over the world.

Entry-Level Positions

Trainee Dealer

Newbs. A Trainee Dealer is still in the initial stages of either becoming a casino dealer or is quite young in their career path. In some cases, Trainee Dealers are still deep in their on-site programs or training courses, just on the cusp of gaining practical experience. It’s a time to learn the ropes, train on various gaming tables like blackjack and three-card poker, and understand all the facets of the role.

Assistant Dealer

Within the casino ranks, Assistant Dealer is still a junior position but a progression from Trainee Dealer. It’s a time to gain as much practical experience as possible and get familiar with the casino’s operations, table environments, bet management, and flow of the table games.

Advancement Opportunities

Senior Dealer

As you can see, there is a clear path for promotions within the casino floor. The Senior Dealer is a step up from a casino dealer and is a position that requires practical experience. While the responsibilities of a casino dealer and a senior casino dealer are often the same, a senior role may be tasked with more complex variations of games, high-stakes tables, or training young blood.

Pit Boss

A casino Pit Boss involves more of a supervisor role within the ranks of Casino Dealers. Rather than being responsible for a specific table, a Pit Boss helps manage a ‘pit’ of tables, which can include blackjack, craps, baccarat, and roulette, to name a few. In such a supervisor role, casino Pit Bosses manage all the tables in their pit, oversee their action, monitor players, are often the final authority on disputes, and are enforcers of the casino’s rules for players and Casino Dealers.

Casino Dealer Outfit

Casino dealers are expected to maintain a professional appearance that reflects the importance of the role. Handling money, making authoritative decisions, and demonstrating expertise in the game require a polished look. Let’s break it down.


Many casinos will offer a uniform that aligns with their brand, likely to include a well-fitted button-up shirt, dress pants, and a request for comfortable, closed-toed shoes. To complete this professional look, consider covering any tattoos, minimizing piercings, and keeping a tidy, neat, hairstyle and overall facial look. Pulled together, this polished and understated look is bound to exude confidence and respect with your co-workers and players.


For women casino dealers, attire should exude refined elegance and professionalism. Choose minimalist jewelry and a tidy hairstyle, avoiding distracting pieces like dangling earrings or visible tattoos. Expect a professional blouse with dress pants or a skirt, paired with comfortable closed-toe shoes provided with a casino’s uniform. Remember, you’re going to be in the shoes, standing on the bustling casino floor for many hours so comfort is key!

Casino Dealer FAQs

How to Become a Casino Dealer?

Canadians interested in becoming a casino dealer typically need to compile several necessary documents and training. These include, but may not be limited to, a high school diploma, on-site dealer training lasting 2-4 weeks, a recent criminal background check, and in most provinces, a gaming license or registration from the provincial gaming authority. This process often involves security clearance checks as well, initiated by the HR team.

What Skills are Essential for Success?

Successful casino dealers are mathematically skilled multitaskers with expert customer service. They need to teach the game, make authoritative decisions, engage players, manage betting flow, uphold integrity, and handle challenging situations like seasoned customer service pros.

How Much Do Casino Dealers Earn?

A casino dealer in Canada can earn between $25,000 and $50,000, or around $17 - $30 an hour on average. Why the range? Just like any job, experience will factor in, as will the casino’s location, table stakes, and tips.

Can Anyone Become a Casino Dealer?

There are a few basic requirements to becoming a casino dealer, such as holding a high school diploma, and on-site training. Applicants must also pass security clearance and criminal check, as well as be of gambling age in their province.

What is the highest salary for a casino dealer?

In most Canadian casinos, the highest-paid casino dealer is usually the poker table dealer. This position, on average, also gets the highest tip percentage!

What is the hardest part of being a casino dealer?

When you’re working in a casino, it’s best to be prepared for anything, from patrons under the influence to players who wholeheartedly disagree with the cards that fall, disgruntled by a run of bad luck. However, one of the hardest parts of being a casino dealer for some is simply being on their feet all day.

How much tips do casino dealers make?

For casino dealers, tip potential depends on a few factors, including the casino, the table game, and the stakes being played. In Canada, casino dealers can expect players to tip around $5 per hour spent at the table or 15-25% of their buy-in/stake.

How much money does a pit boss make?

In Canada, the average annual salary of a pit boss is close to $52,000 to $70,000 or, on average, about $33 an hour.

How much do Vegas dealers get paid?

Working in Las Vegas as a casino dealer, you can expect to get paid a base salary between $30,000 and $47,000, which works out to an average of $22 per hour. Depending on which casino you’re working at and the stakes of the game you’re dealing, you can boost that by $15 to $50 with tips. With so many variables, you can always find casino dealer incomes outside of this norm, so use this as a baseline!

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