Bingo Jackpots Guide: Everything You Need to Know | LeoVegas

Jackpots in Bingo

How Does the Jackpot Work in Bingo?

In bingo, a jackpot is a large cash prize awarded to a player who achieves a particular winning pattern within a specified number of calls. The size of the jackpot can vary depending on several factors, such as the game, the number of players, the cost of each bingo card, and the length of time since the last jackpot was won.

To win the jackpot in bingo, you must complete the designated winning pattern within a specified number of calls. For example, the winning pattern could be a coverall in a 75-ball bingo game, and the number of calls might be 50. The jackpot will be awarded to the player who covers all the numbers on their card in 50 calls or less. If no player achieves the winning pattern within the specified number of calls, the jackpot prize money rolls over to the next game or session, increasing the amount for each subsequent round until it is won.

Some bingo games also offer progressive jackpots, which continue to increase until they are won. In a progressive jackpot game, a percentage of each player's ticket price is added to the prize pool, allowing the jackpot to grow with each game that is played. Once a player wins the progressive jackpot, the prize pool resets to a predetermined amount and starts to grow again with each new game.

Overall, the jackpot in bingo is a special prize that is the highest amount offered for a specific game. It adds extra excitement to the game and winning one can be a thrilling or even a life-changing experience for any player.


Types of Jackpots in Bingo

In bingo, there are different types of jackpots to be won. The type and the amount of a jackpot in bingo depend on the casino, the type of bingo and other factors such as the number of tickets bought. There are several types of jackpots in bingo, including:

Local Jackpot

A local jackpot is a type of jackpot that is specific to a particular bingo game or bingo hall. The jackpot is usually funded by a portion of the ticket sales for that particular game, or by the bingo hall itself. The amount of the local jackpot can vary depending on the number of players and the frequency of the game. This type of jackpot is usually smaller than a progressive jackpot, but it is still a significant prize for the winner(s) of the game.

Progressive Jackpot

A progressive jackpot is a type of jackpot that increases every time a player buys a ticket and no one wins. The jackpot continues to grow until someone wins. This type of jackpot can be found in both online and in-person bingo games.

In the case of progressive jackpots in bingo, a small portion of each ticket sale is added to the jackpot pool. As more players buy tickets, the jackpot amount increases until someone hits the winning combination or pattern. Once the progressive jackpot is won, the prize amount resets to a predetermined starting value and starts growing again with each ticket sold.

Progressive jackpots can be found in both 75-ball and 90-ball bingo, and the jackpot amount can vary from a few thousand dollars to millions of dollars. They are popular among bingo players as they offer a chance to win a life-changing amount of money.

Other types of bingo jackpots include:

Coverall Jackpot

Also known as a blackout jackpot, this is a type of jackpot that is awarded to a player who covers all the numbers on their bingo card before a certain number of balls have been called. This type of jackpot is usually harder to win than other types of jackpots.

Pattern Jackpot

A pattern jackpot is a type of jackpot that is awarded to a player who covers a specific pattern on their bingo card. The pattern can be anything from a straight line to a more complex pattern, such as a diamond or a letter.

Consolation Jackpot

This is a smaller jackpot that is awarded to players who do not win the main jackpot but come close to winning. For example, a player who is one or two numbers away from winning a coverall jackpot might be awarded a consolation prize.

Community Jackpot

A community jackpot is a type of gaming jackpot that is shared among a group of players who win a specific game or meet certain requirements. For example, a community jackpot might be awarded to all players who win a game within a certain time period.

How to Win Jackpot in Bingo

You can never guarantee a win in bingo but there are some strategies some bingo players like to follow:

  • Play more bingo cards: The more cards you play, the more interesting the game gets. However, make sure you can manage to keep track of all the cards and don't spend any more than you can afford to lose.
  • Play during off-peak hours: The fewer people playing, the more prominent your role in the game. Non-busy times include weekdays or early mornings.
  • Choose games with a smaller number of players: With fewer people playing, you might feel closer to the action.
  • Choose games with a higher jackpot: The higher the jackpot, the more people will be interested in playing. That contributes to a bigger prize for the eventual winner.

Remember, bingo is a game of chance, so while these strategies may help you increase your odds of winning, there is no guarantee that you will hit the jackpot. Enjoy the fun of game and play responsibly by setting a budget and sticking to it.

Bingo Jackpots FAQs

Does the Bingo Jackpot Pay?

Yes, bingo can pay a jackpot. Many bingo games have a variety of jackpots available for players to win. The size and type of jackpot can vary depending on the bingo game and the rules set by the bingo hall or website.

What Is the Probability of Winning in Bingo?

The probability of winning in bingo depends on several factors, including the number of players, the number of cards in play, and the type of bingo game being played. In general, the more players there are and the more cards that are in play in previous game, the lower the probability of winning. However, the odds of winning can be increased by purchasing multiple cards and by playing games with fewer players or cards in play.

The exact probability of winning in bingo can be calculated using statistical methods, but it ultimately depends on luck and the specific game being played.